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An intriguing intro, we’re sure you’ll agree. And we certainly experienced one of the most intriguing, inspiring and thought provoking days on this roller coaster ride of a revolution a couple of weeks ago, hunkered down in Brian Eno’s studio.

But we weren’t there specifically to see Brian (though he was the most wonderful host. Made a great cup of tea). We were there to join a conversation with an incredible bunch of folk on how to use art, creativity and the wealth of experience and influence we have around us to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

This is the group known as Hard Art….

But this conversation wasn’t about climate change. Or art. Hard or not. This was a conversation about big tech, and exactly what we, the voices with a platform of creative influence might be doing to stop its insidious impact on the next generation.

There were three amazing, thought provoking speakers, Ian Russell, founder of the Molly Rose Foundation, Shoshana Zuboff, author and social psychologist and Tanya O’Carroll, human rights advisor and strategist.

And a room of remarkable folk from all walks of life to listen to them, and think with them. Entrepreneurs, creatives, activists, political and legal specialists and campaigners.

And us.

Here’s what we heard:

We’ve so much more to say about what we discussed, the ideas that sprouted, the people we met and the community that’s forming around this mission. But we’ll save that for another day.

In the meantime, if you agree with us (and the Hard Art crew) that every UK teenager deserves a space to socialise IRL, then don’t forget to spread the gospel.

SHARE THIS BLOG amongst your whatsapp groups, your networks, indeed anyone you feel cares about our teenagers.

FOLLOW US on instagram.

ADD YOUR VOICE by tagging us in with #IRLrevolution whenever you spot anyone else talking about this issue.

Help us build this army. Because every extra person who joins the fight to give teenagers somewhere to socialise in real life helps our voice to be heard and our impact to be felt.